Kris Mayes Slams Arizona Abortion Ban as GOP Opponent Stays Quiet
September 26, 2022
AP: “GOP Quiet as Arizona Democrats Condemn Abortion Ruling”
Washington, DC — Setting Arizona back more than 120 years, on Friday, a Pima County judge ruled that a 1901 ban on nearly all abortions in the state can be enforced. This extreme ban has no exceptions for survivors of rape or incest and allows for the prosecution of providers and others who assist with potentially life-saving medical treatment. While Trump-backed Abe Hamadeh was silent a day after the ruling, Democratic AG nominee Kris Mayes vowed to fight for reproductive rights – a major sea change in the Arizona AG’s race.
ABC News reported on the ruling, writing, ‘This law is about controlling women by attempting to control our bodies and our lives,’ said Democratic candidate for attorney general Kris Mayes. ‘Women and girls will die because of it. It will impact our economy, our ability to attract and retain talent, and it’s a glaring black eye for the state of Arizona nationally.’”
“Hobbs’ and Mayes’ Republican opponents — Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh, as well as Senate candidate Blake Masters — have all said they support the territorial-era abortion ban, but ‘are currently hiding under a rock somewhere,’ said Mayes, noting they haven’t publicly weighed in since the ruling.”
“‘Their silence speaks volumes,’ Mayes said. ‘That’s for a reason. They know how absolutely unpopular this 1901 law is. They know how indefensible is it, and they know that when Nov. 8 comes, the people of Arizona are going to resoundingly reject this extreme abortion ban, this attack on the people of Arizona, by voting them down.’”
AP also highlighted Mayes’ stance, adding, “If elected, Mayes said, she would not enforce the abortion law and would direct county prosecutors to do the same. She said she believes it violates the privacy rights guaranteed by the state constitution.”
Arizonans will reject this extreme abortion ban and elect an AG who will fight for Arizonans’ reproductive and constitutional rights by voting for Kris Mayes this November.