DEBATE FLAG: Sunday Fumbles, Fails to Answer Questions on Abortion Yet Again

October 4, 2024

The PA GOP candidate for AG avoids question about whether or not he would prosecute women for having an abortion

Washington, DC – Yesterday on the debate stage, the GOP AG candidate in Pennsylvania Dave Sunday failed to say whether or not he would prosecute patients for having an abortion.

As The Keystone reported, “Both candidates gave different answers when it comes to protecting abortion access during Thursday’s attorney general debate. DePasquale promised to never prosecute women for getting an abortion while Sunday promised to follow the law.”

The article continues, “DePasquale went on to criticize Sunday’s response, highlighting the fact that Republicans, nationally, are trying to ban abortion through Project 2025 and that Pennsylvania Republicans have actively tried to push a constitutional amendment that would bypass the governor’s office and ban abortion.”

While Sunday failed to provide a clear answer, Democratic AG nominee Eugene DePasquale reiterated his commitment to protecting patients and abortion access.

“I want to be very clear. I will never prosecute a woman or a doctor that performs an abortion,” DePasquale said. “If you want someone that’s gonna put a woman in jail that has an abortion, you’re gonna need another attorney general, because it’s not gonna be me.”

He continues, “Our family has an experience with this. We had an ectopic pregnancy at week 10. What was technically an abortion that night saved Tracey’s life and preserved our ability to have two kids… But in five states today, that could land Tracey, myself, and Dr. Ross in prison for making that decision. So I want to be as clear as I can be on anything. I will always protect a woman’s right to an abortion. I will defend reproductive freedom…I will never prosecute a woman for having abortion, and I will protect any woman that’s coming here from one of those states. I will defend their right to reproductive freedom as well.”

DePasquale also called attention to Sunday’s campaign funding being backed by the anti-abortion PA Republican billionaire Jeffrey Yass. According to The Keystone, “…Sunday’s campaign received a $5.5 million boost from a political action committee funded by Pennsylvania’s richest billionaire, Jeffrey Yass. Yass, who is worth close to $50 billion, spent millions on TV commercials and mailers supporting Sunday’s campaign. Last year, Yass spent roughly $6.1 million on an anti-abortion candidate running for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and millions more on anti-abortion candidates in Kentucky and Virginia.”

Pennsylvanian’s deserve an AG who will protect their right to abortion and reproductive freedom. It’s clear Sunday is not the person for the job.


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