November 2, 2018
A couple of weeks ago, the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) launched a new attack ad on Phil Weiser that is blatantly false. Read the fact check on that ad here.
The truth is Republican nominee for AG George Brauchler is the candidate who sounds the alarm bell. Brauchler defended someone accused of a college sexual assault, helped him plead guilty to a lesser charge to avoid the sex offender registry list, and is now lying about it to press and to voters. The court documents clearly list him as the defense attorney for the defendant of the case.
On the case, the Colorado Sun writes this:
“One of Brauchler’s defendants cited by the ad is William Allen Koontz. In 2009, when he was a student at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Koontz was accused of sexually assaulting a woman who told investigators she believed she had been drugged…”
In comment to The Sun, Brauchler denies any responsibility in the matter and claimed he was not the primary defense attorney for Koontz. He even added that he went to court for the defendant only once and on behalf of another attorney.
This is a case where I went to court one time for this guy on behalf of a law firm,” Brauchler said. “… I don’t even remember the facts of that case, that’s how little I had to do with it.”
Thankfully, public records show Brauchler’s claim is FALSE.
The reality is Brauchler’s name is written all over this case. Brauchler was the only defense attorney to submit a formal “entry of appearance” for the client, and his name is on every one of the eleven documents submitted by the defense in this case along with his signature. If he wasn’t the primary defense attorney for Koontz, why are his name AND signature listing him as such? In seven of Koontz’s court appearances, Brauchler is listed as the sole attending defense attorney.
The facts are clear: Bad News Brauchler can’t be trusted to take responsibility for his actions and will do anything to mislead the voters of Colorado. This is just another hole in Brauchler’s contrived narrative about keeping the people of Colorado safe.
If George Brauchler can’t be trusted on the facts of the case, how can the people of Colorado trust him as AG? The truth is: they can’t.