DAGA Statement on Dangerous 5th Circuit Ruling that Puts Domestic Violence Victims in Jeopardy
February 3, 2023
Washington, DC — The Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) issued a statement today about the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s dangerous ruling in United States v. Rahimi. The Fifth Circuit ruled a federal law unconstitutional which prevented people who had domestic violence restraining orders taken out against them from obtaining a firearm. The immediate impact of this decision is life-threatening – in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, people who have a history of abusing a romantic partner or the children of a romantic partner can now own a gun. It is one of the nation’s most significant gun violence prevention cases since the Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen.
Statement from Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings and Nevada AG Aaron Ford, DAGA Co-Chairs:
“This is a deeply dangerous decision that, if allowed to stand on appeal, exposes many domestic violence victims across the country to lethal violence, and poses a significant threat to public safety. The Fifth Circuit’s historically anomalous decision wildly deviates from common-sense, modern-day protections that have withstood Constitutional muster before. We strongly condemn this decision, and yesterday’s events will only further strengthen our resolve to pass gun safety laws that keep the American people safe.”