With as much progress as we’ve made in recent years, the rights of LGBTQIA+ communities in the United States continue to be at risk, as far right legislatures and Republican Attorneys General use their positions to attack and demean transgender people, block anti-discrimination efforts, rollback protections for LGBTQIA+ veterans and servicemembers, and more.

Democratic AGs are determined to protect, uphold, and advance the rights of all people — no matter who you love or how you identify. Every person deserves to live their life as their true and authentic self, which is why ensuring that we have State Attorneys General willing to defend the rights of LGBTQIA individuals is so important.

Learn more about Democratic AGs’ work to ensure Equal Protection Under Law for all people, and chip in to help us elect and re-elect LGBTQIA+ champions to statewide office this fall:

Our democracy can't wait.

Help support our initiatives to elect more Democratic AGs.

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