Nevada GOP AG Candidate Sigal Chattah Wrong on Crime, Extreme on Abortion
September 15, 2022
Chattah Refuses Interview with Nevada Independent for “On the Record” Candidate Series
Washington, DC — Today, the Nevada Independent’s “On the Record” series highlighted GOP AG candidate Sigal Chattah’s extremist stance on the issues that matter most to Nevadans. In an attempt to cover her extremism, “Chattah declined to participate in an interview with The Nevada Independent, and her campaign did not provide answers to a set of questions seeking details about her policy positions as of Wednesday evening.”
Despite seeking to be the state’s top law enforcement officer, Chattah has incorrectly described Nevada’s public safety efforts. “Though Chattah has frequently highlighted specific cases of crime through her social media, typically violent crimes that occured in the Las Vegas Strip corridor, Nevada has broadly seen crime levels decline during Ford’s time in office.”
“Many of the crimes Chattah has flagged, including murders and larcenies, are typically handled by local law enforcement and do not fall under the purview of the attorney general’s office.”
Putting special interests over public safety, “Chattah has portrayed herself as a staunch Second Amendment supporter, earning endorsements from top firearm groups in the country, including the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America.”
When it comes to abortion, “Chattah has described herself as ‘pro-life,’ and believes that ‘life begins at the fetal heartbeat,’ which is around five to six weeks into pregnancy, she said during a May appearance on Nevada Newsmakers.”