Split Screen: Democratic AGs Protected 2020 Election While Mike Johnson Tried to Overturn It

October 25, 2023

GOP Pick for Speaker Led Amicus Brief to Overturn 2020 Election

Washington, DC — Late last night, after weeks of chaos and dysfunction, the House GOP decided on their next pick for Speaker. It’s none other than the leader of the amicus brief in support of a lawsuit to overturn the results of the 2020 election, Rep. Mike Johnson.

While Johnson and other far-right MAGA extremists were trying to overturn the will of the voters, Democratic AGs were fighting back. Democratic AGs were on the frontlines of stopping extremist politicians, like Johnson, from overturning millions of lawfully cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election. Democratic AGs were focused on protecting people’s vote and access to the ballot, taking on voter suppression and misinformation, and defending mail-in voting.

Johnson is too extreme to lead the House of Representatives. Which is exactly why it comes at no shock that Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina, who is running for AG next year, is already supporting his nomination.



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