GOP AG Nominee Attacks Four-Star Retired Air Force General the Week after He Attacked FBI

August 18, 2022

Questions Mounting About Abe Hamadeh’s Dangerous Behavior

Washington, D.C. — Abe Hamadeh, the Republican nominee for Attorney General in Arizona, is continuing his dangerous attacks on America’s military and law enforcement in an effort to appeal to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and their extremist allies and supporters. Hamadeh wants to be Arizona’s top law enforcement officer, yet he’s continuing his dangerous and reckless attacks on law enforcement and a decorated former U.S. Air Force officer. General Hayden served under both Presidents Obama and Bush and served in the Air Force for more than four decades.

Last night, Hamadeh tweeted an attack on former CIA Director and U.S. Air Force four-star general Michael Hayden:


Last week after the Mar-a-Lago action, he attacked the FBI:



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