John Oliver on State AG Races
October 29, 2018
HBO’s Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Spotlights Importance of State AG Races; Watch Full Clip Here
On last night’s episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver spotlighted state attorneys general and the crucial role they play in interpreting laws and policies across the United States. Oliver also stressed to voters the importance of researching attorneys general races in their respective states — and to cast their ballot in these races in the upcoming November midterms.

The segment touched on the important work Democratic AGs are doing to protect our democracy and reminded viewers that there are more than 30 AGs seats on the ballot on November 6. Oliver went on to note some of the GOP candidates “greatest hits,” including:
- Wisconsin GOP incumbent AG Brad Schimel’s use of taxpayer dollars to buy commemorative coins that read “K.A.E.D”, or his personal slogan of “Kicking Ass Every Day.”
- Republican Attorneys General Association chair and Arkansas GOP incumbent AG Leslie Rutledge’s cozy relationship with lobbyists. This show mentions the CBS News story from earlier this year which caught Rutledge on camera playing a $50,000 round of golf with lobbyists, and includes of clip of her bragging on how much money she has taken from them.
- Texas GOP incumbent indicted AG Ken Paxton’s far-right partisan approach to the AG office filing lawsuits to end the DACA program, to remove protections for the transgender community, and to dismantle healthcare. The show also notes that indicted Ken Paxton is a pen thief.
The show closed “early” with a plea to voters to learn about these down-ballot races where your vote counts more than ever. With just 8 days until the Midterm Election, he urges “taking just two minutes to research your state’s AG is a valuable use of your time.”
If you want to learn more about the candidates on the ballot in November who will put the people first and protect our rights, check out DAGA’s Meet the Candidates page.