June 12, 2018
August 27, 2018
Here is what happened this week for DAGA and our Democratic Attorneys General:
SPOTTED: Former California Attorney General and current Senator Kamala D. Harris with DAGA co-chair & District of Columbia AG Karl Racine and Maryland AG Brian Frosh at an event for AG Racine’s re-election!
STATEWATCH: PROTECTING OUR KIDS: Vermont AG TJ Donovan and Mississippi AG Jim Hood both showed leadership on issues related to protecting America’s children this week.
TRUMP TRIPPED UP BY THE LAW: New York AG Barbara Underwood announced that her office will be suing the President Trump and his three oldest children, alleging “persistently illegal conduct” at the Trump Foundation including the president’s repeated misuse of the nonprofit organization. AG Underwood stated that “[a]s our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.” Read more from the Washington Post’s David Fahrenholdt here.
ANOTHER “W” FOR CLEAN AIR: New York AG Barbara Underwood and Connecticut AG George Jepsen won their ocean pollution lawsuit against the EPA. The decision orders the EPA to comply with the Clean Air Act’s requirement to address smog pollution from upwind states. AG Jepsenapplauded this decision, noting “[u]nder the Clean Air Act, the EPA has a duty to take action when upwind states do not meet certain air quality standards, and, in this case, the EPA clearly failed to do so. We are gratified by the district court’s ruling in this matter, and we will continue to work with our partners in New York to hold EPA accountable on this and other matters where it has not met its legal obligations.”Find our more from the Hartford Courant here.
ELECTIONS UPDATE: 142 days ‘til Election Day 2018!
DELAWARE: Candidates in the Delaware AG primary held a joint forum this week to discuss methods to remove systemic racism from law enforcement agencies. Candidate Chris Johnson said that “we must reform policing trends and prosecution trends,” while Candidate LaKresha Roberts said that effective prosecutors “have to be aware of those dynamics that led to African Americans being disproportionately represented in the justice system.” WATCH full forum video here from WDEL in Delaware.
MAINE: Maine experimented for the first time with ranked-choice voting in its primary this week. AG Janet Mills is currently in the lead for the Democratic nomination for Governor as the votes continue to be tallied. We will be following the coverage closely!
MINNESOTA: Keith Ellison released his official campaign platform today.
SOUTH DAKOTA: TK depending on outcome.