RATING SHIFT: Sabato’s Crystal Ball Increases Competitiveness in Indiana AG Race

January 31, 2024

Washington, DC — Today, Sabato’s Crystal Ball released new ratings showing increased competitiveness in the Indiana Attorney General race. The ratings shifted Indiana from a previous Safe Republican to Leans Republican, as incumbent AG Todd Rokita has embedded himself in countless scandals over the years.

Lou Jacobson highlights, “This is the only 2024 AG race to prompt a ratings shift so far, from Safe Republican to Lean Republican.”

“Rokita has been highly visible, and controversial, particularly for pursuing sanctions against a physician who spoke to the media about the case of a 10-year-old rape victim that attracted national attention. Televised comments Rokita made about the physician later drew him a reprimand from the Indiana Supreme Court, making him the second consecutive Republican AG in the state to be reprimanded by the court. In turn, Rokita has adopted a Trumpian, bare-knuckled response.”

In a recent article, James Briggs from the Indianapolis Star wrote, “It looks increasingly likely that Republican Todd Rokita is in his final days as attorney general. He’s over the job and doesn’t care who knows.” Briggs continued, “Here’s the calculation, as I see it: The job has nothing left to offer him, so Rokita is attempting to go out in a blaze of indignity, a martyr for MAGA, in hopes of lining up new and better opportunities on the other side.”

“Rokita’s flirtation with disbarment began in July 2022 when he went on Fox News and took the horrific story of a 10-year-old rape victim who became pregnant as an opportunity to mug for the cameras and raise his clout on national TV.”

The previous ratings came out last year in June.


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