Washington Post Spotlights Georgia Democratic AG Nominee Making an Aggressive Case on Crime
October 20, 2022
Jen Jordan Is the Best Choice to Keep Georgians Safe
Washington, DC — Public safety is a key issue in battleground states across America, and Georgia Democratic AG nominee Jen Jordan is going on offense on the issue.
GOP AG Chris Carr has been in office for six years, and during that time, gun sales and crime have increased. Instead of taking that issue on, Carr has sided with the NRA and has failed to keep Georgia’s families and communities safe. Jordan told the Washington Post, “‘Access to guns, the proliferation of guns everywhere, and the policy decisions that were made by those in power.’” She added, “‘The crime rate that’s going up is gun violence.’”
The Washington Post writes, “In Georgia, as in many places, some kinds of crime increased in 2020, especially homicide. But it wasn’t because any police were defunded there. In Atlanta, the state’s largest city, city councilors considered but ultimately rejected a cut in the police budget in 2020, then increased it in 2021 and increased it again in 2022. Yet homicides rose in 2020 and rose again in 2021.”
“What else increased? Gun sales. As in most states, gun sales shot up in Georgia along with the pandemic. Nationally, the FBI background check system (which does not cover private sales and unlicensed sellers) recorded nearly 28.4 million gun sales in 2019 and nearly 39.7 million in 2020, an increase of nearly 40 percent.”
“When Jordan noted that crime had gone up all across Georgia, a state run from top to bottom by Republicans, Carr scoffed, ‘The people of Georgia find it humorous to hear a Democrat blame a Republican for crime,’ as though that was self-evidently ridiculous; crime can only be Democrats’ fault, even when Republicans are in charge.”
The Washington Post continues, “When I asked Jordan about this, she was still a little stunned. ‘How in the world am I to blame for your failures?’ she said of Republicans. ‘But that’s what they’re used to doing.’”
Extremist Carr wants to blame others for his failures to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Even though being the top law enforcement official is in the job description as Attorney General. Instead, he has failed Georgians time and time again.